Teething can be a challenging time for both breastfed babies and their mothers. Breastfeeding offers unique comforts, but teething pain needs extra attention. This article provides the best teething solutions to bring relief to your nursing infant’s sore gums while ensuring breastfeeding continues smoothly.

Discover gentle, effective ways to soothe your baby’s discomfort.

Key Takeaways

  • Offer your baby a cold, wet washcloth or let them chew on cool objects like teething toys for pain relief.
  • Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger or wet gauze to soothe discomfort.
  • Avoid using teething gels and amber necklaces due to potential risks and lack of safety for infants.
  • Try adjusting nursing positions to make breastfeeding more comfortable for both you and your teething baby.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene for your baby by cleaning new teeth with a soft brush without fluoride toothpaste and schedule their first dental visit by age 1.

How to Soothe a Teething Baby While Breastfeeding

When your baby is teething, soothing them can be a challenge. Use a cold, wet washcloth for quick relief and try massaging their gums gently.

Offer a cold, wet washcloth

A cold, wet washcloth provides effective teething relief for nursing babies. Dipping a clean washcloth in cold water and giving it to your baby can soothe sore gums during this uncomfortable time.

Your little one may enjoy chewing on the cool fabric, which helps alleviate teething discomfort in breastfed babies.

This simple home remedy is easy to prepare and safe for your infant. Swaddling the chilled washcloth can also enhance its effectiveness as a soothing tool. Coldness numbs the area, providing quick relief from teething pain while allowing you to comfort your baby without needing medication or other remedies that may not be breastfeeding-friendly.

Massage baby’s gums

Massaging baby’s gums can provide effective teething pain relief. This simple action helps soothe discomfort as new teeth begin to break through. Using a clean finger or wet gauze, gently rub the gums in a circular motion.

This technique can ease soreness and make your baby feel more comfortable during this challenging time.

Breastfeeding and teething often go hand in hand, with many babies displaying signs of teething such as chewing on toys or increased drooling. Regular gum massages may help mitigate some of these symptoms.

Keep an eye out for red or swollen gums, indicating that your little one is experiencing discomfort. Engaging in gentle gum massage can be a key component of soothing teething pain in breastfed babies while enhancing their overall comfort during nursing sessions.

Try different nursing positions

Trying different nursing positions can make a significant difference for a teething baby. Some babies prefer being held upright or at an angle while nursing. This adjustment can help alleviate discomfort caused by swollen gums.

Experimenting with various positions allows you to find the most comfortable arrangement for both of you during breastfeeding and teething.

Breastfeeding while your baby is cutting teeth may lead to soreness for mothers as well. Different angles might ease this pain, making feeding easier. Keeping your baby close while offering comfort can also provide emotional support during this challenging time of teething pain relief for breastfeeding babies.

Teething Remedies to Avoid

Some remedies can be harmful to your baby. Teething gels and amber necklaces are not safe options for relief.

Avoid teething gels

Teething gels may seem like a quick fix for your baby’s discomfort, but they are not recommended. Many teething gels contain ingredients that can cause harmful side effects in infants.

These products often numb the gums, which might seem helpful at first, but it could lead to complications. Breastfeeding offers natural relief for teething babies by providing comfort and soothing effects during this challenging time.

Instead of relying on these potentially unsafe options, focus on other effective teething solutions for breastfeeding mothers. Natural remedies work well and include using a clean finger or wet gauze to rub your baby’s gums gently.

Cold spoons or chilled teething toys also provide important relief for sore gums without the risks associated with teething gels. Offering alternative methods ensures you keep your baby safe while easing their teething pain effectively.

Do not use amber teething necklaces

Amber teething necklaces have gained popularity among some parents as a supposed remedy for teething discomfort. However, they pose significant safety risks that should not be ignored.

These necklaces can become a choking hazard if broken or pulled off during normal play. They also carry the risk of strangulation, especially when infants are left unattended while wearing them.

Natural remedies like cold washcloths and specially designed teething toys provide safe relief for sore gums without these hazards. Many pediatricians advise against using amber teething necklaces due to their lack of proven efficacy in soothing teething pain.

Instead, consider gentle and effective alternatives such as massaging your baby’s gums with a clean finger or offering cooled spoons or rubber teethers to help manage teething pain safely.

Be cautious with teething biscuits

Teething biscuits may seem like a convenient option for soothing teething pain, but caution is needed. Some teething biscuits can pose choking hazards or contain added sugars that are not ideal for infants.

Instead of focusing on these snacks, use safe alternatives like clean wet washcloths or specially designed teething toys for breastfed babies. These options provide gentle relief while ensuring your baby’s safety during the teething process.

Always prioritize organic and natural solutions when managing discomfort related to nursing a teething baby.

Comforting a Teething Baby Without Nursing

Use a cool teething toy or cloth to soothe your baby’s aching gums. Gently rub their gums with your finger for added comfort. A warm bath can also help relax and calm them. Explore these ideas to provide relief during this tough time.

Use a cool teething toy or cloth

cool teething toy or cloth provides effective relief for a teething baby. These items help soothe sore gums during this challenging phase. Cold spoons, chilled toys, or even a clean wet washcloth can bring comfort to babies experiencing discomfort from emerging teeth.

The sensation of cold numbs the area and reduces inflammation in swollen gums.

Many parents find that offering these cooling options makes nursing easier as well. Breastfeeding and teething discomfort often go hand in hand. A comfortable baby tends to nurse more peacefully, which benefits both the infant and mother.

Opting for specially designed organic teething solutions ensures safety while providing gentle relief for nursing infants throughout the day and night.

Gently rub baby’s gums

Gently rubbing your baby’s gums can provide soothing relief during teething. Use a clean finger or a piece of wet gauze for this task. The pressure from your finger helps counteract the discomfort caused by incoming teeth.

It’s simple yet effective and allows you to bond with your baby while offering comfort.

This method is particularly helpful when babies show signs of teething, such as red or swollen gumsincreased drooling, or chewing on toys and hands. Regular gum massage can ease sore areas and promote comfort without relying heavily on external remedies.

For nursing infants experiencing teething pain management, gentle gum rubbing is one of the best natural solutions available to soothe their discomfort effectively.

Try a warm bath

A warm bath can provide soothing relief for a teething baby. The warmth helps relax their muscles and calm their discomfort. Many babies find comfort in the gentle sensation of water, which can create a peaceful environment during this challenging time.

While enjoying their bath, your baby may also be distracted from teething pain.

Nursing infants often experience increased drooling and irritability during teething. A warm bath not only creates a comforting atmosphere but may also help with sleep difficulties associated with sore gums.

This simple yet effective approach serves as one of the best teething solutions for breastfed babies, allowing both you and your little one to enjoy some relaxation together.

Caring for Your Baby’s New Teeth

Caring for your baby’s new teeth is crucial. Use a soft brush to clean them twice daily. Select toothpaste that does not contain fluoride. Schedule a dental visit by their first birthday.

Avoid toothpaste with fluoride

Fluoride toothpaste is not recommended for babies under age two. This is because young children can swallow toothpaste while brushing, leading to excessive fluoride exposure. High levels of fluoride can cause dental fluorosis, which results in discoloration or damage to developing teeth.

Instead, focus on using a small amount of water and a soft cloth to clean your baby’s gums and emerging teeth.

Natural teething solutions for breastfed infants include gentle oral care practices that help soothe sore gums without harsh chemicals. Use a clean finger or damp gauze to massage the baby’s gums gently.

Regularly cleaning your baby’s mouth prepares them for future dental hygiene routines and sets the foundation for their overall oral health as they grow older.

Keeping an eye on your baby’s dental development is crucial in managing teething pain effectively. Teething remedies for nursing babies should always prioritize safety over convenience.

Encouraging proper oral hygiene from early on reduces potential issues later and supports healthy smiles throughout childhood.

Brush teeth twice a day

Brushing teeth twice a day is essential for your baby’s oral health, even before they have a full set of teeth. Start as soon as their first tooth emerges. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush designed for infants and water only; avoid toothpaste with fluoride until they’re older.

This practice helps remove bacteria and food particles while preventing cavities.

Cleaning your baby’s mouth regularly can make teething pain management easier too. A consistent brushing routine not only promotes good habits but also acclimates the child to dental care from an early age.

Parents should aim to establish this habit by the time their little one turns 1 year old. Taking these steps ensures healthy development of new teeth during this crucial period in their growth process.

Transitioning to dental check-ups by age 1 becomes important next, as it sets the foundation for lifelong dental health practices.

Visit the dentist by age 1

Visiting the dentist by age 1 is essential for your baby’s oral health. This early visit helps establish a dental home and allows the dentist to check your child’s new teeth. Teeth usually begin to come in around six months, so it’s crucial to start caring for them right away.

Avoid toothpaste with fluoride until your child can spit it out, and remember to brush their teeth twice a day. Regular check-ups will ensure that any teething pain management for nursing infants is appropriately addressed, supporting gentle teething relief throughout this sensitive period.

Taking these steps sets a strong foundation for healthy teeth as they grow.


Finding the best teething solutions for breastfed babies can make a big difference. Parents have various options to help soothe their little ones during this challenging time. Cold washcloths and gentle gum massages can provide quick relief.

Always prioritize safe methods and avoid questionable remedies. Supporting your baby through teething will strengthen your bond and promote comfort during breastfeeding.


1. What are the best teething solutions for breastfed babies?

The best teething solutions for breastfed babies include natural, organic, and homeopathic remedies that offer gentle relief from teething pain.

2. How can I soothe my nursing infant’s teething pain?

You can soothe your nursing infant’s teething pain with breastfeeding-friendly options like holistic remedies or safe and gentle techniques specifically designed for relief in infants.

3. Are there any safe organic solutions to help a breastfeeding baby with teething?

Yes, there are many organic methods available that provide safe relief for a breastfeeding baby during the challenging period of teething.

4. Can I use homeopathic remedies to ease my breastfed infant’s discomfort from teething?

Absolutely! Homeopathic remedies are often recommended as they’re typically natural and gentle on your little one while effectively soothing their discomfort.