As new parents, we noticed that teething could start as early as ten weeks and continue as long as our baby’s teeth come in (about two years). It is common for babies to experience excessive drooling during this period, so we always made sure to have a bib or cloth on hand to protect her clothes and skin from irritation.

When my daughter became more irritable and uncomfortable, we discovered various methods to help soothe her teething pain. Some alternatives we found especially useful include:

  • Offering a clean, cold teething toy for them to chew on,
  • Gently massaging their gums with a clean finger, and
  • Using a cool, wet washcloth for them to gnaw on.

Always remember to keep a watchful eye on your baby during the use of these remedies.

In addition to the above methods, you may find the following tips are helpful in your baby’s teething journey:

  • Use a pacifier: A pacifier can relieve and satisfy the chewing urge. It didn’t work for my daughter as she did not take to the pacifiers at all, but I do know many parents for whom the pacifier was a godsend
  • Keep their face clean: Wiping any drool from their face helps avoid skin irritation caused by excessive drooling.
  • Consider over-the-counter pain relief: In consultation with a pediatrician, appropriate infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be administered.

As new parents, coping with our baby’s teething process was one of our challenges. Teething is a natural part of a child’s development, and understanding what to expect can help ease any anxiety or concerns. In my experience, it was helpful to learn about the symptoms, remedies, and proper care to support my little daughter during this important stage.

In this article, I will share some of the essential teething tips I’ve gathered from various sources, including medical professionals and fellow parents.

These tips will provide valuable insights into your baby’s teething journey, from recognizing the first signs of teething to discovering safe and effective ways to soothe those tender gums.

My goal is to make this process as smooth and comfortable as possible for you and your baby based on my experiences and reputable sources.

Understanding Teething

As a new parent, it is essential to understand the teething process to help your baby during this developmental stage. In this section, I will discuss the stages of teething and common symptoms to watch for.

Teething Stages

Teething typically begins between 6-12 months, although it can start as early as 3 months in some babies; the process involves the eruption of baby teeth through the gums, which can be uncomfortable for your little one. The following table outlines the approximate timeline for teething:

6-10 monthsLower central incisors
8-12 monthsUpper central incisors
9-16 monthsUpper lateral incisors
10-18 monthsLower lateral incisors
13-19 monthsFirst molars
16-23 monthsLower canines
18-24 monthsUpper canines
23-33 monthsSecond molars
Teething chart – Remember, every child is different, and the timing of teething can vary.

Common Teething Symptoms

As your baby begins teething, some common symptoms may become apparent. According to the Mayo Clinic, these symptoms can include:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Fussiness or irritability
  • Biting or chewing on objects
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • A slight increase in body temperature

It is important to monitor your baby during teething and provide appropriate soothing techniques to help lessen their discomfort.

Teething Relief Strategies

When my daughter started teething, I learned several strategies that helped relieve their discomfort. I will share these tips with you so that you can help your little ones feel better during this time.

Tip#1 Cold Remedies

We found that cold remedies were effective in soothing our baby’s gums. We would give her a cold spoon or a chilled teething ring to alleviate the soreness. I ensured not to freeze the teething ring as it could be too harsh on their gums.

A damp, frozen cloth also worked wonders for my baby, giving her something cold to gnaw on and reducing her gum inflammation.

Tip#2 Teething Toys

Teething toys were another lifesaver for my baby. Durable, bumpy rubber toys caught my baby’s attention, and applying gentle pressure on their gums provided relief. I made sure to keep these toys clean and sanitized.

Tip# 3 Gum Massage

Another strategy we found effective was massaging my daughter’s gums. I used a clean finger, wet gauze, or a soft toothbrush to rub their gums firmly. At first, she was slightly resistant due to initial discomfort, but she soon felt relief from the counter-pressure.

Tip#4 Pain Medication

If my daughter “S” was still experiencing discomfort after trying the other strategies, I would sometimes give her a mild pain reliever. We consulted with her pediatrician to determine the appropriate dosage and to ensure the medication was safe for my baby.

Using these strategies, we were able to help my teething baby find relief and comfort during this challenging period. I hope you find these tips helpful for your little one as well.

Soothing Techniques

When “S” started teething, we searched for ways to make the process more comfortable. The most effective soothing techniques that worked were distraction strategies, cuddling, and comforting. In this section, I will share some useful tips from each sub-category.

Distraction Strategies

we discovered that one way to help ease the discomfort of teething is by redirecting “S” focus. Giving her a cold, wet cloth to chew on helped decrease inflammation in her gums. Offering cool and soft foods, such as applesauce or yogurt, can provide temporary relief.

In addition to offering cold items, we provided:

  • Colorful and engaging toys
  • Gentle music or singing
  • Playtime and interactive activities

These activities helped distract my daughter from her teething pain.

Cuddling and Comforting

Offering extra cuddles and comfort was crucial during the teething phase. A warm bath helped soothe my baby’s discomfort and gave her a fun and relaxing activity.

Other bonding activities we included were:

  • Rocking or swaying her in my arms
  • Humming or singing together
  • Massaging her back or tummy

These comforting actions provided a sense of security for my daughter and helped alleviate teething discomfort.

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents. I hope these soothing techniques I’ve shared prove helpful for you and your little one during this period.

Red Flags and Warning Signs

As a parent, I understand that teething is a natural process that every baby goes through. However, it’s important to be aware of red flags and warning signs that may indicate something more serious. This section will discuss teething symptoms and when to consult a pediatrician/physician/health care provider.

Severe Symptoms

While teething, some babies may experience mild discomfort and irritability. However, certain symptoms should not be ignored. These may include:

  • High fever above 100.4°F
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Excessive bleeding or pus from the gums
  • Signs of infection (redness, warmth, or swelling around the gums)

Experiencing these severe symptoms may indicate an underlying issue that needs medical attention. Do keep in mind teething alone typically does not cause such severe reactions.

When to Consult a Pediatrician

If any of the symptoms mentioned above are present, it’s essential to consult a pediatrician/physician/health care provider, as it could be a sign of an underlying infection or medical condition. Apart from those, other reasons to consult a pediatrician during teething include:

  1. If the baby seems to be in significant pain or discomfort that usual teething remedies cannot manage.
  2. If a tooth hasn’t emerged after several weeks, even though the gums are swollen or tender.
  3. If any teeth appear discolored, chipped, or misaligned.

As a parent, it’s better to consult a pediatrician/physician/health care provider when in doubt. They should be able to provide appropriate guidance and support for both you and your baby during the teething process.

Teething and Sleep

As a new parent, I know that teething can be tough for babies and their caregivers. One of the most significant challenges during this phase is managing sleep disruptions caused by teething pain and discomfort.

Managing Sleep Disruptions

When my daughter started teething, the pain often disrupted her sleep schedule, which led to more exhaustion and crankiness during the day. We discovered a few teething remedies that worked wonders for soothing my baby and helping them sleep better at night:

  • Cold items: I found that gently numbing my baby’s gums with cold items like a clean, wet cloth or a frozen teething ring can help alleviate some pain and promote sleep.
  • Gum massage: Massaging my baby’s gums with a clean finger or a cold, wet cloth has effectively provided some relief. We noticed that the cold cloth helped decrease inflammation along the gums.
  • Maintain a routine: maintaining a regular sleep schedule is essential for soothing a teething baby. I know it’s easier said than done, and more often than not, your baby and, consequently, you will have some long nights. But try as much as you can to stick to a sleeping routine.

By incorporating these techniques into our bedtime routine, I’ve effectively managed my baby’s teething-related sleep disruptions. However, some nights, my wife and I took turns to help soothe the teething baby, especially when the molars came out.


In my experience as a parent, understanding the teething process and being prepared to handle it can make a significant difference in your child’s comfort and your own peace of mind. As we’ve discussed, it’s important to recognize the symptoms of teething 

Some of the most effective teething remedies I’ve found include providing cold or frozen items for my baby to chew on and applying gentle pressure to their gums with a clean finger. Additionally, I’ve seen that maintaining a consistent routine can help contribute to a sense of calm and security, despite the discomfort your baby may be experiencing.

For more advice on teething or to consult a medical professional, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s pediatrician. They can provide guidance on medications or other options specific to your baby’s needs. In the end, soothe and support your baby as they go through this stage in its development. Remember that teething is a natural process, and you’re doing a great job as a parent.