8 Symptoms of Teething at 2 months Old

Your little one is going to pass through a whole lot of milestones. They’re going to learn how to crawl and how to walk, how to speak, and even how to smile, and along with these, they go they’re going to develop teeth of their own. When your child is teething, it can be painful for them, and difficult for you, because you’re trying to figure out a good way to help them. But just what can you actually expect when it comes to teething?

1. Pain

Your baby is definitely going to feel uncomfortable while they’re teething. They may have mild or moderate discomfort, or they may be in a large amount of pain. It’s difficult to say because different infants have different pain tolerances. Not only that, they simply can’t tell you what they’re experiencing. This means you need to figure out a way to help relieve their pain without going too overboard. Different methods are available for this from gels to herbs, and even pain medications.

2. Drooling

As a result of the process where teeth start to poke through the gums, your baby may start drooling more frequently. At this age, your baby may already be drooling a lot, but it’s possible that this could increase even further. There are herbs you can use to help with the drooling, and amber beads have been a popular choice that many have used to help. These also may be able to help with the pain that your little one is experiencing, or they have been touted as helping at least. You just need to take a look at how much drooling is affecting your child and perhaps just use a bib or blanket to help them.

3. Swollen Gums

As the teeth start to come up through the gums, it could easily cause the gums to start to swell; this can be part of the painful aspect of the teething. The swollen gums can be an easy way for you to tell if they really are teething because it’s something that you can easily notice. If you want to help them with this, you can use the gels, or you can even massage their gums with your finger or a gum massaging tool.

4. Trouble Sleeping

Your child could start having problems sleeping because they are in pain or uncomfortable. The teeth that are pushing through make it difficult for them and they may not be able to get over this enough to get on with their sleep. This could mean less sleep for you as well, which is definitely not going to help you feel any better. There are plenty of natural remedies and products available that can help with the sleeplessness, and taking away much of the pain or discomfort can help with the sleep problems.

5. Biting and Chewing

As the teeth start to come through the gums, your little one will feel pressure as well as pain and this may lead them to do whatever they can to try and get through that pressure. Chewing on things and biting may help them with this and that’s why they may start trying to eat anything and everything, including their toys and their own fingers. Getting teething toys or even frozen toys can really help them relieve that pressure and start feeling better, as well as being more fun for them.

6. Reduction in Appetite – Not Eating

On the flip side of the coin, as your child’s gums and teeth start hurting, they may not want to eat as much because anything that uses their teeth or requires them to bite down can be painful. You want to make sure you keep track of how well your child is eating and just what might be causing any kind of change. You also want to make sure you’re looking for softer foods that your child may be more willing to eat if they don’t want other things.

7. Fever

Many parents have reported that their child develops a fever when they start teething. However, this is not an actual symptom or side effect of teething, and should be considered something entirely separate. If your baby has a fever you want to monitor this and notify their pediatrician. This will help them to figure out what to do and whether the fever is serious enough to warrant additional attention. If not, you may be able to lower the fever with medications, but be sure you talk with your doctor as medication for babies this small are very particular and it’s important you stick to the doctor recommendations.

8. Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea

If your little one is experiencing any of these things you definitely want to talk with their doctor to find out more. These are also not symptoms of teething and though some parents have reported that diarrhea seems to go hand-in-hand, it’s not actually considered a side effect either. Any of these symptoms means that something else could be wrong for your little one and that is something to get checked out by a doctor. Once you’ve had a chance to do that, you’ll be able to continue treating the actual side effects of teething.


No matter what your little one is going through, teething is a complicated process and it’s something that you definitely don’t want them to have to go through without any help. Keep in mind that your child is quite young, and they just don’t understand what’s happening to them. They don’t understand why they feel this way and they don’t even really understand what they’re feeling. By giving them remedies and attempting to help them feel better, you’re going to be helping them immensely. They don’t know how to tell you that yet, but alleviating the symptoms of teething is definitely going to be a great relief.